Flower Essence Consultation
“Flower essences capture the life force of the plant and use it to energetically rectify emotional imbalance for physical and emotional healing” (Sinclair, 2019).
40 minute consultation and flower essence
Energy blockages or crises come before physical and emotional disease. By healing energy blockages through the use of energetic medicine a person can heal the physical and emotional manifestations of their energy block.
Our eyes are not only the windows to our soul, but a window into our genetic health makeup.
1 hour consultation and written report (allow 2 days for report).
The colour and structures of the iris reflect what has been passed down over 3 generations. They reflect a person’s constitution and areas of weakness if the body is out of balance. They are also great for warning about potential areas of concern and how to avoid them.
An iris analysis reflects not only physical, but also mental and emotional susceptibilities. An analysis can provide a road map to health and a greater understanding of ones genetic makeup
Dietary analysis and meal plan
1 hour
We may not be what we eat, but what we eat certainly impacts our health. What is really beneficial for one person may be making another person sick. A personalised meal plan will make sure you are receiving all your nutrients whilst eating nutritious food you enjoy.